The bar is a widely used metric unit of measurement for pressure and 1 bar equals precisely 100,000 pascals. Even though Bar is not an SI unit it has been adopted as one of the most popular pressure units particularly in European countries where most pressure measurement instruments are specified with pressure ranges in bar.
The value of 1 bar is a close approximation to atmospheric pressure and is often used to represent atmospheric pressure rather than standard atmosphere (101325 pascals) which is the correct value used by the scientific and engineering community.
Use the following conversion factors to convert from Bar to other pressure units or vice versa. To convert a reading in Bar to another unit, multiply it by the relevant pressure conversion factor. To convert a reading in any pressure unit to Bar divide it by the relevant pressure conversion factor.
Alternatively convert from a bar pressure value into another unit using the bar conversion table or the pressure unit converter.
- 200 bar pressure sensor to interface with Arduino board
- Anaerobic digestion methane gas 2bar pressure transmitter
- Hydraulic puller-tensioner bar pressure to kilonewton load HMI display & logger
- 600 bar, 9000 psi, 60 MPa Pressure Sensors, Transducers & Transmitters
Conversion Factors
- 1 bar
- 14.5038 psi
- 1000 mbar
- 100000 N/m²
- 100000 Pa
- 1000 hPa
- 100 kPa
- 0.1 MPa
- 1.01972 kg/cm²
- 10197.2 mmH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 1019.72 cmH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 10.1972 mH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 401.463 inH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 33.4553 ftH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 750.062 mmHg 0°C (32°F)
- 75.0062 cmHg 0°C (32°F)
- 29.5300 inHg 0°C (32°F)
- 750.062 Torr
- 750062 mTorr
- 0.986923 atm
- 1.01972 at
- 1000000 dyn/cm²
- 232.060 oz/in²
- 750062 µHg 0°C (32°F)
- 0.00647490 tsi (uk, long)
- 0.00725189 tsi (usa, short)
- 1.04427 tsf (usa, short)
- 2088.54 psf
- 1019.72 g/cm²
Please note that the conversion factors above are accurate to 6 significant figures.
- Barometric & Atmospheric Pressure Gauges
- 600 bar, 9000 psi, 60 MPa Pressure Sensors, Transducers & Transmitters
- 200 bar pressure sensor to interface with Arduino board
- 350 bar, 5000 psi, 35 MPa Pressure Sensors, Transducers & Transmitters
Conversion Tables
Select a look up table for converting a pressure reading in bar to other measurement units.
- psi, inHg, mH2O and ftH2O
- psi » 1 to 1,000 bar → 14.5038 to 14,503.8 psi
- Pa » 0.001 to 2.000 bar → 100 to 200,000 Pa
- hPa » 0.001 to 2.000 bar → 1 to 2,000 hPa
- kPa » 0.1 to 100.0 bar → 10.0000 to 10,000.0 kPa
- MPa » 1 to 1000 bar → 0.1 to 100.0 MPa
- mbar » 0.001 to 2.000 bar → 1 to 2,000 mbar
- kg/cm² » 1 to 1000 bar → 1.01972 to 1,019.72 kg/cm²
- mmHg » 0.001 to 2.000 bar → 0.750062 to 1,500.12 mmHg
- inHg » 0.001 to 2.000 bar → 0.0295300 to 59.0600 mmHg
- mH2O » 0.01 to 1000 bar → 0.101972 to 10,197.2 mH2O
- inH2O » 0.001 to 1.000 bar → 0.401463 to 401.463 inH2O
- ftH2O » 0.01 to 1000 bar → 0.334553 to 33,455.3 ftH2O
- N/mm² » 1 to 1000 bar → 0.1 to 100.0 N/mm²
- N/m² » 0.001 to 2.000 bar → 100 to 200,000 N/m²
- atm » 0.1 to 100.0 bar → 0.0986923 to 98.6923 atm
- Torr » 0.001 to 2.000 bar → 0.750062 to 1,500.12 Torr
- Barometric & Atmospheric Pressure Gauges
- 200 bar pressure sensor to interface with Arduino board
- 600 bar, 9000 psi, 60 MPa Pressure Sensors, Transducers & Transmitters
- Anaerobic digestion methane gas 2bar pressure transmitter
bar to kgf
How much is one bar of pressure in kgf?
The bar unit is a measure of pressure, but kgf (kilogrammes force) is a unit of force. So there are two possible answers:
If you meant to convert one bar into kgf/cm² (also known as kg/cm²), then 1 bar = 1.01971621 kgf/cm2.
If you are looking to convert pressure to force you will need to know the effective area on which the force is acting:
Force (kgf) = Pressure (bar) x Area (m²) x 100000 / g
{g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.80665 m/s²}
-1 to +1 bar to Torr
What is the conversion to Torr pressure units for a vacuum and positive pressure range from -1 to +1 bar?
The following conversion shows the corresponding values in Torr over the range:
1 bar to mH2O
What is 1 bar expressed in metres e.g. plumbing system has a shower with a minimum pressure of 1.5bar how many metres would this be?
1 bar is approx 10 mH2O, so 1.5 bar is approx 15 mH2O
- 200 bar pressure sensor to interface with Arduino board
- 700 bar, 10000 psi, 70 MPa Pressure Sensors, Transducers & Transmitters
- 600 bar, 9000 psi, 60 MPa Pressure Sensors, Transducers & Transmitters
- Hydraulic puller-tensioner bar pressure to kilonewton load HMI display & logger