Ounce or Ounce Force per Square Inch is a low pressure unit which is part of the British and American system of units. 1 ounce per square inch equals 430.922 pascals.
The ozf/in² is used mostly for very low pressure rated equipment such as breather valves or controllers for LP natural gas appliances.
There are exactly 16 oz/in² in 1 psi which duplicates the relationship between pounds and ounces used to measure mass and weight.
To convert 1 oz/in² into other pressure units please use the list of conversion factors below.
Click on a pressure unit link to obtain the equivalent oz/in² conversion value.
To convert different different values of ozf/in² please use our on page pressure calculator.
See how oz/in² are derived from SI units and check whether a unit matches one of the versions of identifying oz/in2.
Featured low pressure measurement products
Conversion Factors
- 0.00430922 bar
- 0.0625 psi
- 4.30922 mbar
- 430.922 N/m²
- 430.922 Pa
- 4.30922 hPa
- 0.430922 kPa
- 0.000430922 MPa
- 0.00439418 kg/cm²
- 43.9418 mmH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 4.39418 cmH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 0.0439418 mH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 1.72999 inH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 0.144166 ftH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 3.23218 mmHg 0°C (32°F)
- 0.323218 cmHg 0°C (32°F)
- 0.127251 inHg 0°C (32°F)
- 3.23218 Torr
- 3232.18 mTorr
- 0.00425287 atm
- 0.00439418 at
- 4309.22 dyn/cm²
- 1 oz/in²
- 3232.18 µHg 0°C (32°F)
- 0.0000279018 tsi (uk, long)
- 0.00003125 tsi (usa, short)
- 0.0045 tsf (usa, short)
- 9 psf
- 4.39418 g/cm²
Please note that the conversion factors above are accurate to 6 significant figures.
Featured low pressure measurement products
The calculation below shows how the pressure unit Ounce per Square Inch (oz/in²) is derived from SI Units.
- Pressure = Force / Area
- Force = Mass x Acceleration
- Acceleration = Distance / (Second x Second)
SI Units
- Mass: kilogram (kg)
- Length: metre (m)
- Time: second (s)
- Force: newton (N)
- Pressure: pascal (Pa)
Input Values
- 1 Ounce = 0.02834952313 kg
- 1 Inch = 0.0254 m
- 1 Square Inch = 0.0254 m x 0.0254 m = 0.00064516 m²
- Acceleration = Standard Gravity = 9.80665 m/s²
- 1 Ounce Force = 0.02834952313 kg x 9.80665 m/s² = 0.278013851 N
- 1 oz/in² Pressure = 0.278013851 N / 0.00064516 m² = 430.9223309 Pa
Featured low pressure measurement products
Alternate Descriptions
These are the different versions used for identifying oz/in² that you may find elsewhere.
- Ounce per Square Inch
- Ounce Force per Square Inch
- Ounces per Square Inch
- Ounces Force per Square Inch
- oz/in²
- ozf/in²
- oz/in^2
- ozf/in^2
- oz/sq in
- ozf/sq in
Conversion Tables
Select a look up table for converting a pressure reading in ounces force per square inch to other measurement units.
- psi » 0.1 to 2000 oz/in² → 0.0625 to 125.000 psi
Featured low pressure measurement products
Glossary of Low Pressure technical terms
- g Effect
- inH2O – Inches of Water Column at 4 deg C Pressure Unit
- mmH2O – Millimetres of Water Column at 4 deg C Pressure Unit
- Pa – Pascal Pressure Unit