Technical Atmosphere is similar although not the same value as the standard atmosphere pressure unit (atm) and both have been used historically to relate a pressure value to multiples of atmospheric pressure. 1 Technical Atmosphere is defined as being exactly equal to 98,066.5 pascals.
The at pressure unit can be occasionally found on water resistant watches to indicate the maximum depth rating, particularly on European brands. However the unit has been largely phased out and the average atmospheric pressure is now mostly defined as 1 atm (101325 Pa) for weather and aviation or more coomonly 1 bar (100,000 Pa) for industrial and general purposes.
Technical Atmosphere is some times written as ‘ata’ which is the short way of writing ‘at absolute’.
Equivalent values for 1 at in other pressure units can be found in the list below.
To convert any pressure unit into Technical Atmospheres click on the relevant unit below.
Use the pressure converter page to convert many different values to and from technical atmosphere units.
Featured atmospheric pressure measurement products
Conversion Factors
- 0.980665 bar
- 14.2233 psi
- 980.665 mbar
- 98066.5 N/m²
- 98066.5 Pa
- 980.665 hPa
- 98.0665 kPa
- 0.0980665 MPa
- 1 kg/cm²
- 10000 mmH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 1000 cmH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 10 mH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 393.701 inH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 32.8084 ftH2O 4°C (39.2°F)
- 735.559 mmHg 0°C (32°F)
- 73.5559 cmHg 0°C (32°F)
- 28.9590 inHg 0°C (32°F)
- 735.559 Torr
- 735559 mTorr
- 0.96784 atm
- 1 at
- 980665 dyn/cm²
- 227.573 oz/in²
- 735559 µHg 0°C (32°F)
- 0.00634971 tsi (uk, long)
- 0.00711167 tsi (usa, short)
- 1.02408 tsf (usa, short)
- 2048.16 psf
- 1000 g/cm²
Please note that the conversion factors above are accurate to 6 significant figures.
Featured atmospheric pressure measurement products
ata meaning
What is meaning of “ata” and how does it convert into kgf/
ata means a pressure reading in technical atmosphere units (at) which are referenced to a perfect vacuum (absolute).
at conversion to kg/cm2
Both units equal the same: 1 ata = 1 technical atmosphere absolute = 1 kgf/cm² absolute
1 ata should not be confused with 1 atm which is a slightly different value.
325 at to psi
What is the conversion from 325 at into psi?
The conversion is 325 at = 4622.58657 psi