Pressure data loggers which combine a battery, logger & pressure sensor all in one standalone instrument.
A pressure data logger is an instrument which incorporates a pressure measuring device with a data storage memory and firmware, or separate computer software and interface to facilitate the recording of pressure values.
To program the pressure datalogger and retrieve data you will need to connect a computer via a digital interface cable and use the provided logger software.
A pressure data logger can be setup by the user to commence recording at a certain time or event, at a preset sample rate.
Once the pressure data logger has completed collecting data, the software can be utilised to analyze or transfer the data to a data file for export to another application program.
DM01 Multi-Range High Accuracy Pressure Gauge - High precision digital pressure gauge with 0.05% full scale accuracy, exchangeable pressure range modules from 100 mbar (1.5 psi) up to 400 bar (6000 psi).
High Frequency Response 1000 Hz Sampling Rate Pressure Data Logger - The Triton IT Pressure Transient data logger can detect and log pressure surge data up to 1000 readings per second without interfering with the main recordings.
- High pressure data logging to 20,000 psi - The ADT681 is a logging pressure gauge which has the option for a 25,000 psi pressure range.
- Event triggered high sampling rate pressure logger - This pressure logger can record for months at time at a slow logging rate, and when a predefined event threshold is exceeded it will record pressure at a much faster rate.
- 30 inHg relative vacuum range digital display vacuum pressure gauge and logger - Battery-powered, pipe-mounted vacuum gauge with 0 to -30 inHg range, 0.1% accuracy, and USB data logging for industrial and research applications.
Submersible IP68 Water Pressure Data Logger
LEO Record (Ei) Capo Low Pressure Logger
LEO Record (Ei) Pressure Data Logger
ADT681 Digital Pressure Gauge
- Water system peak demand pressure and flow data logger - Identify peak demand and low-pressure events in your water system with the P-Triton-PF data logger. User-configurable logging regimes, 5-year battery life, and IrDA wireless communication.
- 40,000 psi pressure sensor and data logger - Accurately monitor and record pressure data in high-pressure environments up to 40,000 psi.
- Recordable indicator and sensor up to 30000 psi for pressure test rig - Accurate and reliable pressure measurement up to 30,000 psi with integrated data recording. Ideal for demanding pressure test rig applications.
- Digital vacuum/pressure recorder to replace circular paper chart
- 5000 psi data logging gauge for measuring hydraulic pressures
- Portable logger for troubleshooting rooftop make-up air unit gas pressure variations
- Hydraulic piston recorder & display with 2 pressure sensors
- Adjustable recording time 300 psi water pressure data logger with 1/4″NPT fitting
- 1 month continuous recording pressure logger with a 4 bar absolute range
Vacuum, Suction Pressure Data Loggers, Recorders - Vacuum data loggers for recording negative suction pressure or absolute pressure below atmospheric pressure. Log and store vacuum measurements for printing test reports or analysing process trends.
High Pressure Range Data Loggers - High-pressure data loggers are specialized instruments designed for continuous monitoring and recording of pressure levels in demanding industrial and research applications.
Atmospheric Pressure Data Loggers - Enhance the accuracy and reliability of your industrial processes with atmospheric pressure data loggers.
Pressure Gauges with Integral Data Logger - Digital pressure gauges combined with a programmable data logger for recording pneumatic or hydraulic pressures at set time periods.
Low Pressure Data Loggers - Low pressure data loggers offer precise and reliable tracking of gauge or differential air pressures in critical environments such as ventilation systems and clean rooms.
Air Pressure Data-Loggers - Air pressure data loggers are essential tools for monitoring and recording air pressure in various industrial and research settings.
Hydraulic Testing Intrinsic Safety Approved Pressure Data Loggers - Intrinsically safe pressure data loggers are essential tools for testing and validating the performance of hydraulic systems in hazardous environments where explosive atmospheres may be present.
Intrinsically Safe Pressure Data Loggers - Intrinsically safe (IS) pressure data loggers which can be used in potentially explosive environments such as oil refineries, offshore oil platforms and natural gas distribution.
Hydraulic Testing Pressure Data Loggers - Hydraulic system & components testing pressure reading data storage logger.
Product Help
Specifying pressure data logger requirements
Some questions to ask when defining the product requirements for a pressure data logger.
Operating pressure range
What is the expected highest and lowest pressure you are likely to measure?
Pressure reference
What should the pressure be referenced to, atmospheric pressure (g), absolute vacuum (abs) or another pressure (dp)?
Power supply
Do you need internal battery power or a external connection for a low or high voltage power supply?
Installation type
Where is the pressure data logger going to be installed; outside, panel mounted, cabinet mounted, or bench top?
Viewing readings and trends during logging
Do you want to view pressure readings and trends on a computer display screen whilst logging or later on after data has been saved within the logger?
Maximum number of stored pressure readings
How many pressure reading data points do you need to store between downloading data files?
How accurate does the pressure measurement need to be?
How small a change in pressure do you need to distinguish?
Minimum logging rate
What will be the minimum time interval you need between saved pressure data points?
Computer interface type
How do you want to connect to a computer, USB, RS485, Ethernet, Bluetooth, mobile cellular network, or WiFi?
Pressure connection fitting
What style and size of pressure fitting is required; thread, flange or flexible tubing?
Other measurement parameters
Do you need to measure anything else, such as temperature?
Number of pressure input channels
How many pressure input channels are required to measure at the same time?
Test reports and certificates
Do you need to generate your own printed reports or certificate to document the logging results?
Exporting log data
Will you need to export the logged data to another software program in order to process the test results?
Local readout display
Do you need a local digital display built into the logger to show the actual pressure readings?
Checklist for pressure data logger requirements
Define your pressure data logger requirements using this checklist:
- Operating pressure range?
- Pressure reference?
- Power supply?
- Installation type?
- Viewing readings and trends during logging?
- Maximum number of stored pressure readings?
- Accuracy?
- Resolution?
- Minimum logging rate?
- Computer interface type?
- Pressure connection fitting?
- Other measurement parameters?
- Number of pressure input channels?
- Test reports and certificates?
- Exporting log data?
- Local readout display?