MSL or Mean Sea Level is the average height of the ocean surface. Mean sea level is a significant datum reference for meteorological and altitude related pressure measurements, e.g. standard atmospheric pressure at mean sea level is 1013.25 hPa or 29.92 inHg.
Featured atmospheric pressure measurement products
Glossary of Pressure Reference technical terms
- Absolute Pressure
- Compound Pressure Ranges
- Differential Pressure
- Gauge Reference Pressure
- Negative Gauge Pressure
- Reference Pressure
- SG – Sealed Gauge
- Suction Pressure
- Vacuum
- Vented Cable
- Vented Gauge
Help from Pressure Reference resources
- Measuring vacuum with negative gauge or absolute ranges
- What is the difference between gauge and absolute pressure measurement
- Pressure device not reading zero? Get troubleshooting tips
- Can you measure vacuum using a gauge pressure range
- What does negative and positive gauge pressure mean
- Measuring negative pressure using a positive differential pressure range