The conversion formula to convert inch of mercury (inHg) into millibar (mbar) over the atmospheric pressure range can be calculated as follows:
- 1 mbar = 100 pascals (Pa)
- 1 inHg = 3386.39 pascals (Pa)
- mbar value x 100 Pa = inHg value x 3386.39 Pa
- mbar value = inHg value x 33.8639
Featured inHg 0°C pressure unit scaled products
Enter a pressure in inHg 0°C below to convert it to the equivalent pressure in mbar.
Featured mbar pressure unit scaled products
Choose a value between 0 and 40 inHg 0°C from the pressure conversion table below, to obtain the converted value in mbar.
inHg 0°C | mbar | 🔗 |