Measurement instrumentation which can be connected via a USB, RS232 or RS485 digital interface communications.
Connect into your own digital sensor network or install provided software and data coms cable for monitoring readings in real time, logging data, plotting graphs or analysing measurement trends.
RS485 Serial Interface Pressure Sensors - RS485 output pressure sensors for incorporating into digital sensor networks. These sensors can be allocated a unique device address and connected in series to other sensors with RS-485 serial interfaces on the same communications link.
I²C Serial Interface Sensors and Instruments - Explore a range of I²C equipped sensors and instruments designed for seamless integration into your industrial or research projects.
SDI-12 Serial Interface Sensors and Instruments - Explore a range of robust SDI-12 sensors and instruments designed for integration with environmental data acquisition systems.
Digital Submersible Liquid Level Sensors - These submersible level sensors are designed for long-term deployment in challenging conditions, featuring robust construction and advanced digital communication protocols for reliable data acquisition and remote data logging.
High Range USB Pressure Sensors - High-range pressure sensors with USB connectivity combine the ruggedness required for demanding high-pressure applications with the convenience and speed of digital data acquisition.
Low Range USB Pressure Sensors - Low range USB pressure sensors are suitable for monitoring pressure in cleanrooms, HVAC systems, and filter monitoring, among other applications.
High Speed USB Pressure Sensors - High-speed USB pressure transducers provide rapid pressure measurements and transmit data directly to a computer via a USB interface.
RS232 Serial Interface Pressure Sensors - RS232 compatible pressure transducers for linking to PC computer serial ports.
Computer Interface Pressure Gauges - Connect a pressure gauge to a desktop or laptop computer via USB or RS232 serial bus connection.
USB Pressure Sensors - Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface computer connection pressure sensing devices