Maximum & minimum hold reading digital pressure gauges for displaying and storing the highest and lowest pressure value reached.
These pressure gauges can be reset to start recording peak/valley measurement for as long as required between memory resets. Determine burst pressure, limits of process variables, or drop-offs in a gas or water supply.
Maximum & minimum hold reading pressure gauges are also known as tattle-tale, hi-lo, max/min, high/low or peak/valley pressure gauges which all include the capability to display the highest and lowest reading either simultaneously with the actual reading or separately.
DM01 Multi-Range High Accuracy Pressure Gauge - High precision digital pressure gauge with 0.05% full scale accuracy, exchangeable pressure range modules from 100 mbar (1.5 psi) up to 400 bar (6000 psi).
LEO1 (Ei) Digital Pressure Gauge - Battery powered digital gauge with an accuracy of 0.1% full scale in pressure ranges from -1 to 3 bar up to 1000 bar.
- Tattle-Tale pressure gauge for recording highest reading - Tattle-Tale pressure gauge for measuring water pressure from 0 to 160 pounds per square inch which shows the highest pressure
- 3000 psi hydraulic shop press digital pressure gauge with max reading display - Simple digital pressure gauge which can show the maximum pressure achieved between 0 and 3000 psi when measuring a hydraulic shop press.