I’m looking for a digital peak pressure gauges for a measuring a glycol/water mixture on a system up to 15 bar. In addition, the gauge must be Ex rated.
The LEO1 pressure gauge has a peak hold function and two modes of operation which captures twice a second or 5,000 times per second. The latter consumes more battery power so you should only use it if looking for a very dynamic change. The LEO1 is also ATEX approved for use in a zone 0.
LEO1 Digital Pressure Gauge
- Pressure Range: -1 to 30 bar sg/31 bar abs
- Accuracy: 0.1% FS at room temp, 0.2% FS including 0 to 50°C temp errors
- Process Connection: G1/4 male
- Optional Extras: ATEX intrinsically safe approved