Bonded foil strain gauges (BFSG) are metal based foil elements that are incorporated into a flexible electrically insulating material which can then be bonded to a surface with adhesives.
As stress is applied to the material, the BFSG will deform and the resistance changes. If a voltage is applied across the BFSG it can be used to measure the amount of strain by monitoring the variation in voltage drop through the BFSG.
Featured bonded foil strain gauge sensor technology related products
Glossary of Sensor Technology technical terms
- Bourdon Tube
- Capacitive Fluid Level Measurement
- Ceramic Pressure Sensors
- Conductive Fluid Level Detection
- Doppler Effect Flow Measurement
- Float Fluid Level Detection
- LVDT – Linear Variable Differential Transformer
- Paddle Wheel Sensor
- Piezoresistive Strain Gauges
- Positive Displacement Flow Measurement
- Radar Distance Sensing
- SOI – Silicon on Insulator
- Strain Gauge
- Thin Film
- Transit Time Flow Measurement
- Turbine Rotor Sensor
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensing
- Ultrasonic Flow Velocity Sensors
- Vibrating Tuning Fork Fluid Level Detection
- Vortex Flow Measurement
- Wheatstone Bridge Strain Gauge