Accuracy of a measurement instrument defines how much a measurement value may deviate from the perfect measured value.
The total error can be broken down into many component errors such as non-linearity, hysteresis, repeatability, temperature errors, stability, zero offset and span offset.
Accuracy is very closely connected with precision, but unlike precision it is constrained by a series of fixed reference points or absolute values that all readings are compared with to define the exactness of the instrument measurement. Typically these comparison absolute values are read from a more accurate instrument ideally with a 10 to 1 ratio difference in accuracy to ensure it does not contribute significantly to the overall error calculation. However in practise it is not always possible to achieve such a high ratio difference in accuracy. When this is the case the overall accuracy should also include the reference instrument uncertainty which better reflects the true accuracy of the device.
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Glossary of Accuracy technical terms
- BSL – Best Straight Line
- Compensated Temperature Range
- Digital Compensation
- g Effect
- Hysteresis
- LHR – Linearity, Hysteresis and Repeatability
- Long Term Stability/Drift
- NL – Non-Linearity
- PPM – Parts Per Million
- Precision
- Pressure Hysteresis
- Repeatability
- RTE – Referred Temperature Error
- Secondary Pressure Standard
- TEB – Temperature Error Band
- TEB – Total Error Band
- Temperature Compensation
- Temperature Error
- Thermal Hysteresis
- Threshold
- TSL – Terminal Straight Line
- TSS – Thermal Span or Sensitivity Shift
- TZS – Thermal Zero Shift
Help from Accuracy resources
- Pressure Sensor Accuracy Specifications
- Measurement Accuracy
- Determining calibration error of Bourdon tube pressure gauge
- What is the difference between zero offset and zero drift?