Span Offset is the amount of deviation in output or reading from the exact value at a point within the measurement span.
The span offset can be expressed in measurement units, percentage of span or percentage of full scale.
Manufacturers may include a factory setting tolerance for the span offset on the product technical data sheet to help users determine the total error to be expected without any calibration adjustment.
For example a pressure transducer for measuring 0 to 15 psi pressure with a 0 to 30 mV output may have a span offset tolerance of +/-0.1% span. Therefore at 7.5 psi the maximum span setting tolerance will be +/- 0.015 mV.
Span output adjustable measurement products
- SCU for Isolating signal from sensors and trimming zero and full span
- Zero and span adjustable 10 bar ATEX pressure transmitter
- Zero & Span calibration adjustable signal output pressure transducers
Glossary of Calibration technical terms
- BSL – Best Straight Line
- Compensated Temperature Range
- Dead Weight Tester
- NPL – National Physical Laboratory
- PPM – Parts Per Million
- Primary Pressure Reference Standard
- Secondary Pressure Standard
- Traceable Calibration
- TSL – Terminal Straight Line
- UKAS – The United Kingdom Accreditation Service
- UKAS Calibration Certificate
- Zero Offset
- Zero Tare
Help from Calibration resources
- Determining calibration error of Bourdon tube pressure gauge
- What is the difference between zero offset and zero drift?