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Switch tool with the current settings for diameter, and calculate sphere volume, circle area, circle circumference or radius instead
Related Tools
- Calculate surface area of sphere from diameter
- Sphere volume to diameter calculator
- Convert an area to different units
- Length and distance converter
- Circle area to diameter calculator
- Circle circumference to diameter calculator
- Circle radius to diameter calculator
User Guide
This tool will calculate the diameter of a sphere from the surface area, and will convert different measurement units for surface area and diameter.
The formula used to calculate the sphere diameter is:
ø = √(A / π)
- ø = Sphere diameter
- A = Sphere surface area
- π = Pi = 3.14159…
Surface Area of Sphere
Enter the surface area of a sphere. The sphere surface area represents the total area of the outer surface of the sphere if it was to be laid out flat as a two-dimensional shape, e.g. a true scale map of the world is a 2D scaled representation of the surface area of the world.
Diameter of Sphere
This is the diameter of the sphere which corresponds to the volume specified. The diameter of a sphere is the length of a straight line drawn between two points on the surface of the sphere, where the line also passes through the centre of the sphere.