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- V/V input to measurement output converter
- Measurement input to mV/V output converter
- mV/V input to measurement output converter
User Guide
This measurement to ratiometric voltage output converter provides a way to determine the output reading and range of a ratiometric voltage signal sensing device from any measurement input, supply voltage, zero & span output to supply voltage % ratio. A conversion scale graphic for each measurement input range and ratiometric voltage output range combination entered is also displayed underneath the calculated values.
Measurement Input Parameters
Enter the measurement unit for the quantity which is being measured , e.g. newtons, tonnes, micrometres, psi, degrees Celsius, etc…
This is the quantity measured that you wish to convert to a voltage output reading.
Lowest Input
Enter the minimum quantity that the ratiometric V/V signal sensing device will measure.
Highest Input
Enter the maximum quantity that the ratiometric V/V signal sensing device will measure.
Voltage Output Parameters
Supply Voltage (V)
This is the excitation voltage used to power the ratiometric V/V signal sensing device. The voltage output of a ratiometric V/V signal sensing device is linearly proportional to the excitation voltage.
Lowest Output (% Vsupp)
This is the lowest ratiometric output expressed as a % of the supply voltage. e.g. a 0.5-4.5Vdc output range, with a 5Vdc supply voltage, would be 10%.
Highest Output (% Vsupp)
This is the highest ratiometric output expressed as a % of the supply voltage. e.g. a 0.5-4.5Vdc output range, with a 5Vdc supply voltage, would be 90%.
Zero Offset (V)
This is the measured output of the ratiometric V/V signal sensing device, powered by the specified supply voltage, with the minimum measurement input applied.
Full Range Output (V)
This is the full range output of the ratiometric V/V signal sensing device in volts, powered by the specified supply voltage, with the maximum measurement input applied.
Output Reading (V)
This is the expected ideal ratiometric V/V signal sensing device output in volts for the measured quantity specified.