Landfill leachate level transmitters are essential tools for monitoring the level of leachate, a hazardous liquid generated from the decomposition of waste in landfills. These transmitters, designed to withstand the harsh conditions of a landfill environment, provide accurate level measurements and convert them into a 4-20mA current output signal, enabling seamless integration with other instrumentation systems for monitoring, control, and data logging purposes.
- LMK307 Submersible Waste Water Level Sensor - Submersible waste water level sensor with optional intrinsic safety certification for monitoring the level of sewage and effluent in water treatment plants.
Application Specified Products
- Contaminated groundwater submersible plastic body 5 psi pressure transducer & display - This submersible pressure transducer and display can be used by landfill site pump techs to read leachate water level above the transducer at the well head.
- 1 barg IS certified 4-20mA submersible leachate pressure sensor for tank level gauging use - An intrinsically safe submersible wastewater gauge pressure sensor for tank level gauging use to measure pressure of leachate over a range of 0 to 1 bar g from the G1/2 male process connection, and sending the corresponding 4-20mA signal through the submersible cable electrical connection.
- Raw leachate feed tank depth probe - Depth probe for monitoring the level of raw leachate in feed tanks up to 1 metre high on a landfill site.
Sub-Product Types
- Landfill Site Submersible Leachate Level Transmitters - Sensing transmitter devices protected from liquid ingress when completely immersed in a leachate for measuring leachate level and converting it to a 4-20mA current output signal to send to other instrumentation on a landfill site used to bury waste material.
Effective management of leachate levels is crucial for environmental protection and regulatory compliance. Excessive leachate levels can lead to groundwater contamination, soil pollution, and the generation of harmful gases. Continuous monitoring allows for timely intervention, ensuring that leachate is properly collected and treated.
Landfill environments present unique challenges for level measurement due to the presence of corrosive liquids, suspended solids, and potentially explosive gases. Landfill leachate level transmitters are specifically designed to overcome these challenges and provide reliable performance in such demanding conditions.
Key Features
- Corrosion Resistance: Landfill leachate is a highly corrosive liquid, so transmitters used in these applications must be constructed from materials that can withstand prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals.
- Hazardous Area Approvals: Due to the potential presence of explosive gases in landfills, transmitters may require certifications for use in hazardous areas.
- 4-20mA Output Signal: The 4-20mA current loop is a widely used standard in industrial instrumentation, allowing for reliable signal transmission over long distances and easy integration with other devices such as controllers, displays, and data loggers.
- Monitoring Leachate Levels in Collection Sumps: Leachate is often collected in sumps or wells within the landfill. Level transmitters provide continuous monitoring of the leachate level, enabling operators to control pumps and prevent overflows.
- Early Warning Systems for Leachate Breaches: By monitoring leachate levels, operators can detect potential breaches or leaks in the landfill liner system. This allows for prompt action to prevent environmental contamination.
- Controlling Leachate Extraction and Treatment Systems: Level transmitters can be integrated with automated control systems to regulate the extraction and treatment of leachate, ensuring efficient and compliant operation.
- Leachate Storage Tanks: Level transmitters are used to monitor the volume of leachate stored in tanks, allowing for efficient scheduling of disposal or treatment processes.
- Gas Wells: Leachate can accumulate in gas wells, hindering gas extraction. Level transmitters can be used to monitor and control the level of leachate in these wells.
Landfill leachate level transmitters play a vital role in the safe and efficient operation of landfill sites. By providing accurate and reliable level measurements, these devices help to protect the environment, ensure regulatory compliance, and optimize waste management processes.