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Flip tool with current settings and calculate gauge pressure instead
Related Tools
- Calculate gauge pressure using absolute and barometric pressure
- Convert pressure to different units
- Pressure sensor calculator
User Guide
This tool will calculate the absolute pressure by adding together the gauge pressure and related barometric pressure reading you entered and convert any combination of pressure units for each pressure value.
Pgauge – Gauge Pressure
Enter the gauge referenced pressure and select the associated pressure units directly underneath. For more information please refer to our gauge reference pressure guide.
Pbaro – Barometric Pressure
Enter the barometric pressure and select the associated pressure units directly underneath. The barometric pressure should be measured at the same location and time as the gauge referenced pressure was measured. For more information please refer to our barometric pressure guide.
Pabs – Absolute Pressure
The absolute referenced pressure is calculated by adding the gauge and barometric pressure together, and will appear once the required pressure units are selected directly underneath. For more information please refer to our absolute pressure guide.