I’m looking for a lower delta P sensor with a range around 200mm H2O close to atmospheric pressure. Most devices around this range seem to be very slow > 10 ms at best. Do you have something preferably with 24V supply and 0-10V output?
The DMD331 has a response time of < 5 msec. Low pressure devices tend to have longer response time because they are more sensitive to mechanical noise and require more signal filtering to cancel the effects of noise.
Also the sensing diaphragms typically have a larger diameter and are proportionally thinner for lower pressure ranges and therefore less responsive than thicker and smaller higher pressure range diaphragms.
The DMD331 uses silicon technology which is very small compared to other sensing technologies which would have a more limited response time.
DMD331 Compact Delta P Sensor
- Differential Pressure Range: 0.02 bar with 0.5 bar line pressure
- Output Signal: 0-10Vdc, 3 wire
- Electrical Connection: DIN plug and socket (standard)
- Pressure Connection: G1/2 male EN837