This tool will help you calculate mile pace (min:sec/mi), from your time taken and distance completed during walking or running
Health & Fitness Calculators
Online web tools for converting and calculating parameters associated with health and fitness performance, such as running, jogging or walking activity measurements.
Kilometre Pace Calculator
This tool will help you calculate kilometre pace (min:sec/km), from your time taken and distance completed during walking or running.
Stride Length Calculator
This tool will help you calculate your stride length from your distance and steps recorded during walking or running.
Steps Per Minute Calculator
This tool will help you calculate steps per minute, from the steps and time recorded after a fitness walk or run.
Running or Walking Distance, Steps and Time Calculator
This multi-functional tool will help you calculate many personal fitness performance indicators including cadence, pace, speed and stride from your distance, steps and time recorded during walking or running.