A HART coms enabled absolute pressure sensor for pipeline leak testing use to measure pressure of diesel over a range of 0 to 500 psi abs from the 1/2 NPT male process connection, and sending the corresponding 4-20mA signal through the mil-spec connector electrical connection.
This XMP i HART communications protocol absolute range pressure sensor can be used in leak checking equipment to measure diesel pressure from 0 to 500 pounds per square inch absolute.
The sensor is installed using a 1/2 inch NPT tapered male thread to measure the diesel fuel, and the 4 to 20 milliamp current output is connected to signal monitoring instrumentation using the military standard specification pin connector.
Also HART protocol communication is included with this absolute pressure sensor to allow user access to calibration settings and range adjustment.
XMP i HART Enabled Absolute Range Pressure Sensor
- SKU ID: s1-xmpi-55-20014
- Default Pressure Range: 40 bar absolute
- Factory Set Pressure Range (optional): 0 to 500 psi
- Output Signal: 4 to 20 mA, 2 wire with HART communications
- Accuracy: 0.1% full scale
- ATEX Type & Housing Material: ATEX Intrinsic Safety with Aluminium electronic housing
- Process Connection: 1/2 NPT male
- Oil Fill Type & Media Temperature: Silicone oil fill, 125C max with FKM seal
- Diaphragm Material: Stainless steel 316L
- Process Connection Material: Stainless steel 316L
- Optional Extras: Integrated LCD display