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Use this calculator to determine the kinetic energy of moving object, or the work necessary to accelerate an object from rest, or decelerate a moving object to rest, in kilocalorie, joule, kilojoule, kilowatt-hour, electronvolt, british thermal unit, foot-pound or newton-metre units, with a specified mass and velocity.
The formula used by this calculator to determine the kinetic energy or the work required to accelerate or decelerate a moving object from its mass and velocity is:
KE = ½ · m · v²
- KE = Kinetic Energy
- m = mass of object
- v = velocity of object
Mass (m)
This is the total mass of the moving object.
Velocity (v)
This is the velocity or speed of the moving object.
Kinetic Energy (KE)
This is the kinetic energy of a moving object and represents the energy which would be required to bring the object to rest or accelerate it from rest to the specified speed.