A high range fast response digital pressure sensor for industrial robotic automation testing use to measure pressure of hydraulic pressure spikes over a range of 0 to 1,000 bar g from the G1/4 male process connection, and sending the corresponding USB signal through the USB mini B connector electrical connection.
This UPS-HSR high range fast response USB pressure sensor can be used in industrial robotic automation to measure hydraulic pressure spike testing pressure from 0 to 1,000 bar gauge. The sample rate can be adjusted to record in the millisecond range to detect brief and rapid changes in pressures such as hydraulic pressure spikes.
The sensor is installed using a G1/4 male thread to measure hydraulic pressure, and the USB universal serial bus interface is connected to a computer using the USB mini B connector.
UPS-HSR USB Fast Response Hydraulic Pressure Sensor
- SKU ID: s1-upshsr-0009
- Part No: UPS-HSR-B1000-G
- Pressure Range: 0 to 1,000 bar
- Reference Type: Sealed Gauge
- Accuracy: 0.15 %FS
- Temperature Errors: 1.5% TEB -10 to +80°C (0.015% FS/°C)
- Output: USB
- Supply Voltage: 5Vdc via USB port
- Electrical Connection: USB Mini Connector
- Pressure Connection: G1/4 male
- Media Compatibility: Titanium alloy
- Accessories: PC logging software, USB Mini to Standard cable and case