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Flip tool with current settings and calculate gross weight or tare weight instead
Related Tools
- Calculate gross weight from net and tare weight
- Calculate tare weight from gross and net weight
- Convert weight to different units
- Calculate weight from mass and gravity
User Guide
This tool will calculate the net weight (NW) by subtracting the tare weight (TW) from the gross weight (GW) reading you entered and convert any combination of weight (mass) units for each weight value.
Gross Weight (GW, Gross Wt.)
Enter the gross weight and select the associated gross weight (mass) units directly underneath. The gross weight is the total weight of an object including the contents and everything used to transport and contain the contents.
Tare Weight (TW, Tare Wt.)
Enter the tare weight and select the associated tare weight (mass) units directly underneath. The tare weight is the weight contribution from packaging, vehicles, containers, etc. when empty, which should be excluded in order to determine the weight of the contents.
Net Weight (NW, Net Wt.)
The net weight is calculated by subtracting the tare weight from the gross weight, and will appear once the required net weight (mass) units are selected directly underneath. The net weight is the weight contribution of just the contents, excluding anything used to transport or contain the contents.