A USB interface digital pressure sensor for fast reacting pressure relief device testing use to measure pressure of nitrogen gas over a range of 0 to 16 bar g from the G1/4 male process connection, and sending the corresponding signal through the USB mini B cable electrical connection.
This UPS-HSR USB pressure sensor can be used in fast reacting pressure relief device testing to measure nitrogen gas pressure from 0 to 16 bar gauge. The response time can be set to measure at a rate of 1000 Hz to provide sufficient data on how pressure relief devices perform when there is a rapid change in pressure caused by a rupture disc blowing between a pressurised and unpressurised vessel.
The sensor is installed using a G1/4 male thread to measure the nitrogen gas, and the USB universal serial bus interface is connected to a computer using a USB mini B to USB standard cable.
UPS-HSR USB Fast Reacting Pressure Sensor
- SKU ID: s1-upshsr-0003
- Part No: UPS-HSR-B0016-G
- Pressure Range: 0 to 16 bar
- Reference Type: Sealed Gauge
- Accuracy: 0.15 %FS
- Temperature Errors: 1.5% TEB -10 to +80°C (0.015% FS/°C)
- Output: USB
- Supply Voltage: 5Vdc via USB port
- Electrical Connection: USB Mini Connector
- Pressure Connection: G1/4 male
- Media Compatibility: Titanium alloy
- Accessories: PC logging software, USB Mini to Standard cable and case