Barometric pressure gauges with ranges up to 2 bar absolute which are used for verifying atmospheric pressure in industrial applications.
Atmospheric pressure gauges are used to monitor ambient air pressure to maintain a record of environmental conditions and compensate other physical measurements which are affected by changes in barometric pressure, such as humidity levels, air density and airflow.
- LEX1 (Ei) High Accuracy Digital Pressure Gauge - High precision digital pressure gauge with an accuracy of 0.05% full scale in pressure ranges from 0...30 mbar up to 0...1000 bar.
- LEO Record (Ei) Pressure Data Logger - LEO Record combined digital manometer & pressure data logging instrument for recording pressures & temperatures that can store up to 57,000 readings.
Application Specified Products
- Wind power barometric pressure visual monitor with alarm relay switches - Visual barometric pressure indicator and pressure sensor with opening and closing alarm relay switches for use in conjunction with safety shut down circuits for wind power installations.